Friendly children's dentist in Berlin Mitte | Die Praxis Mitte

Children’s dentist

For children and their parents, a visit to the children’s dentist is often accompanied by a feeling of anxiety and therefore a major challenge. However, this does not have to be the case! Our team at Praxis Mitte in Berlin attaches great importance to giving our young patients a positive experience. You have never been to a paediatric dentist? You are not sure what to look for when brushing your child’s teeth at home? Or maybe you have already discovered a cavity in your child’s teeth? No need to worry: our paediatric dentists can help you keep your child’s teeth healthy. Make a consultation appointment with our children’s dentist in Berlin today!

When should kids see the dentist for the first time?

Many parents ask themselves, when to schedule the first visit to the dentist for their child. We recommend that a first visit should be made in the first year of life. Children’s teeth need particularly attentive dental treatment because they are very sensitive and less resistant to decay than permanent teeth. Your children are born with healthy teeth and they should stay that way.

What happens at the first visit to the children’s dentist?

When visiting the paediatric dentist, it is important to give your child the best possible treatment and care. This includes an initial consultation. This allows the family dentist and child to get to know each other. At the treatment, the teeth, gums and oral cavity are examined to detect caries (tooth decay), tooth damage and malocclusions at an early stage. If necessary, an individual treatment plan is then developed. Dental care and healthy nutrition are also addressed. Our children’s dentists explain the procedure to the parents and also to the child. They answer all questions in a child-friendly manner so that the visit to the dentist is remembered as a positive experience. There’ s no reason to be afraid – and the next dental check-up, which should take place every six months, is no longer an obstacle.

What to do if your kid is afraid of the children’s dentist?

Many young children are afraid of the dentist. However, this is not necessary. As a parent, it is important to remain relaxed yourself in order to transfer your calmness to the child. Try to create a sense of curiosity and take your time to establish a positive atmosphere for your child. Sometimes it also helps if you make an appointment for the whole family. If the sibling, mum or dad also have their teeth looked at, it’s not so bad for the little patient after all. Often, however, it simply takes a little time to build up trust with the paediatric dentist. And that’s all right. With every subsequent visit and every treatment, the fear decreases.

What are the best tips on proper dental care for children?

Besides regular visits to the dentist, thorough brushing is of course essential for healthy children’s teeth. It is crucial to teach young children about the importance of dental care and a healthy diet as early as possible. This prevents tooth decay from occurring in the first place. Dental care starts with the first tooth. The first primary teeth need to be brushed by parents with a soft toothbrush. For toddlers, a special children’s toothpaste with a lower fluoride content should be used.

Advice: When your child starts brushing the teeth for the first time, we strongly recommend that parents brush them again to make sure that all areas have been reached. Try to introduce your child to dental health in a playful way. Once you have established a routine, every tooth will be brushed in a loving way, right from the start.

In our practice, we recommend professional dental cleanings from the age of 6. In this treatment, the children’s teeth are stained, so it can see where the cleaning was not perfect yet. Afterwards, everything is thoroughly cleaned, polished and, if the child agrees, fluoridated. The children should bring their own toothbrushes, so we can teach them how to take perfect care of their teeth at home. We are also happy to advise you in our Berlin dental office on the ideal brushing technique and prophylaxis for children.

Do you have any further questions about paediatric dentistry?

We will be happy to personally discuss your needs and answer any questions you may have about visiting the dentist with your child. Our practice is located in Münzstraße in Berlin-Mitte and can also be reached in a few minutes from Prenzlauer Berg. Make an appointment today with our children’s dentist at Praxis Mitte in Berlin.