Dentist service and treatments | Die Praxis Mitte Berlin

Innovative and leading dentistry

We offer treatments in nearly all areas of dentistry to both private and state insured (gesetzlich versichert) patients.

Our dentists are qualified, have up-to-date training and experience in implantology, periodontology and cosmetic dentistry. We’re happy to answer all your questions.

Aesthetic dentistry

Naturally, healthy teeth and a beautiful smile! A beautiful smile and perfect teeth impact your everyday life, they affect your appearance and how others see you. During your visit we will advise you on the numerous options and modern methods of cosmetic dentistry we offer. How you can get perfect and healthy, white teeth while also achieving harmony between tooth and gum health. Thanks to our modern equipment and 3D workflows you will able to see the planned results on screen or even in your mouth before the treatment has even started We’re looking forward to helping you get your perfect smile.

Dental prophylaxis

Nowadays professional tooth cleaning is the safest way to keep your teeth and gums healthy and looking good. It protects your teeth from caries forming as well as from periodontosis.

Find out more about dental prophylaxis


Dental veneers help you to achieve a brilliant smile.

They are a relatively simple way to conceal discoloured and damaged teeth, small gaps or slight tooth misalignments. These wafer-thin ceramic veneers are usually glued onto incisors or canines and are a proven method of aesthetic dentistry. We have years of experience with this minimally invasive treatment. Our practice also has its own dental laboratory where your veneers are custom-made for you.

Learn more about veneers.

Teeth whitening

Bright, white teeth are an aesthetic ideal that reflects health, youth and personal hygiene. At an older age and due to factors such as smoking or the consumption of coffee, tea, red wine and other foods, undesired tooth discolouration may occur. We can help to combat this with professional tooth whitening or bleaching. During tooth whitening, discolourations of the teeth are removed gently and effectively. Significant differences are noticeable after just one treatment. We bleach your teeth and help you to achieve a brilliant smile!

Find out more about teeth whitening!

Vegan prophylaxis

Does vegan prophylaxis even exist?

Yes! At die Praxis Mitte…

Patients rarely informed about the ingredients found in their toothpaste and polishing compounds or about other possible alternatives. Both often contain propolis/beeswax, abrasive particles made from bone-meal, lactoferrin made from cow milk and glycerine from animal fat. With our vegan prophylaxis, we use only natural ingredients that contain no animal substances and are also cruelty-free.

Children’s dentistry

As children’s dentists (pediatric dentist), we know that milk teeth are very sensitive and less resistant to caries than permanent teeth. So they have to be looked after with special care. We recommend you visit the dentist the first time from the 6th to 18th month of your child’s life. We will look for any damage to teeth and if we discover any issues we can offer advice on an optimal tooth care and ideal caries prevention at home.

Find out more about children’s dentistry at Praxis Mitte

Anxiety patients

We take your fear of the dentist very seriously! About 19% of Germans are afraid of going to the dentist. This dental fear can lead to even routine check-ups becoming torture for those affected.
Our empathetic dentist team is especially prepared for patients with dental anxiety and will help you to overcome your fear of the dentist. We are committed to ensuring that treatment is as stress-free and gentle as possible. We also communicate the necessary steps transparently. If desired, treatment under (general) anaesthesia is also possible.

More information for patients with dental anxiety.

General anaesthesia

Extensive treatments can be performed under general anaesthesia. This can be useful for patients with high anxiety levels or for major surgical procedures. Although there are extra costs which are not covered by the insurance, the patient sleeps peacefully and wakes up totally relaxed after the treatment.

Therapy for snoring

Are you having trouble sleeping because of snoring? It can be a sign of so-called obstructive sleep apnoea. During sleep, you might start and stop breathing and/or have reduced or shallow breathing. High blood pressure, heart and vascular diseases, decline in brain function, fatigue, impotence, depression and a higher susceptibility to illnesses can all be consequences of sleep apnoea. We make custom-made mouthpieces which are made from impressions taken from your teeth. The mouthpiece is worn at night and works by holding the bottom jaw in a slightly forward position, preventing you from snoring. Just ask us, we’re happy to give you advice.

Find out more about snore therapy

Oral surgery

When it comes to complicated hard and soft-tissue defects, bone can be reconstructed with the use of own or foreign materials. More than often, it is advisable to precede soft-tissue augmentation by stabilizing bone augmentation. We can calculate the size of the defect and plan the reconstruction digitally with our 3D planning tools. Subsequently, the implants can be inserted.

Find out more about oral surgery


Replace teeth with natural looking implants. In our practice, you will get competent advice and treatment based on our extensive experience. Our specialized doctors only use the very highest standards of titanium and ceramic implants made by well-known manufactures. We use modern and minimally invasive procedures. Thanks to our 3D-scan and digital construction technology, you will never leave our practice without a tooth.

Find out more about dental implants.

Micro surgery

Our minimally invasive, micro surgical operation techniques reduce tissue trauma and minimalize healing times. In turn, this means we can carry out larger operations with minimum pain and without complications. After an operation or treatment, you will experience nearly no symptoms or pain thanks to our microsurgical treatment methods and modern equipment. Just ask us if you have any questions.

Soft tissue surgery

Missing soft-tissue doesn’t only cause cosmetic issues, but can also affect the long term preservation of your teeth and implants. We can cosmetically and functionally eliminate receding gums by transplanting own soft-tissue from the adjacent soft-tissue. We can protect implant and root surfaces, stabilize gums, therefore preventing further hard and soft-tissue recession. Nowadays, we know that stable soft-tissue is the most important thing to ensure preservation of teeth and implants. We are looking forward to answering your questions.

Periodontal (gum) treatment

Periodontitis is a disease which affects the gum, jaw bone and periodontal apparatus, the soft and hard tissues which anchor your teeth. It is the most common cause of tooth loss. Periodontitis is most commonly caused by a build-up of active bacteria and bio chemicals (plaque) on tooth and root surfaces. The bacteria spread and multiply due to poor oral hygiene. Bleeding gums, loose teeth, receding gums and bad breath are all signs of periodontitis. After a certain degree of recession of the periodontal apparatus, teeth aren’t worth preserving, and this is the main reason people lose teeth nowadays.

Find out more about periodontics.


Endodontics is essentially concerned with the inside of your tooth. The soft-tissue in a tooth consists of blood vessels, lymph vessels and nerve fibres which are called pulp. Pulp is vital for supplying a living tooth and reaches from the root to the tooth crown. If the pulp becomes inflamed or even dies, you will need root canal treatment. Caries, leaking filings or traumatic tooth injuries can all cause inflammation. If bacteria get inside a tooth the canal system gets infected. The goal of a root canal treatment is to remove the bacteria and necrotic tissue from all the canals, the root canal is disinfected and finally sealed so no bacteria can re enter.

Read more about endodontics.