Anxiety patients - Die Praxis Mitte

Anxiety patients

For anxiety patients, the very thought of going to the dentist causes tremendous stress. This anxiety often affects the quality of life in general. If necessary visits to the dentist are avoided, this can have consequences on oral health in the medium to long term – and bad teeth will lower the general well-being. It doesn’t have to come to that – we can help you!

At Praxis Mitte, you are in good hands as an anxiety patient in Berlin. We understand your phobias and take them very seriously. Our dentists and the entire team have a great deal of experience in dealing with anxiety patients with extreme fear of dental treatment. We strive to provide the most relaxed atmosphere possible and anxiety-free treatments especially for those with anxiety. We take away your fear of the dentist. If all this does not work, we have the option of sedation up to treatment under general anaesthesia.

Feel free to make an appointment for a consultation at Praxis Mitte!

You are not alone – This helps patients with dental anxiety

Dental anxiety is a more or less pronounced fear of visiting the dentist. It can even lead to a complete avoidance of treatment, even in the case of severe pain.

While more than half of all patients state that they feel a certain discomfort or uneasy feeling about going to the dentist, about 10% experience an extreme fear. About 5% suffer from a pronounced dental phobia.

Probably the most difficult step for fearful patients is the first contact with a dentist’s office. If you do not dare to make a first appointment yourself, a trusted person can do this for you. Alternatively, you can easily book an appointment online at Praxis Mitte. When you contact us, let us know that you are afraid of the dentist. This way, we can adjust to your needs and do everything possible to make your visit as pleasant as possible.

Avoid stress as much as possible in the run-up to your visit to the dentist. Be accompanied by someone you feel comfortable with, who will provide you with support and comfort. To prevent you from forgetting any important questions you might have, it is best to write down everything you would like to know in advance.

How are anxiety patients treated in Praxis Mitte?

Praxis Mitte is a good place to go for anxiety patients in Berlin. From many years of experience, our empathetic team knows how difficult it is for people with dental anxiety to visit a dental practice. Therefore, we strive to offer you a pleasant atmosphere.

Make yourself familiar with the well-lit and welcoming interior of the dental office. Get to know your dentist and the team without any obligation. You can get a first impression of our team and the dentists Dr. Christina Erdmann and Dr. Anna Trojan on our website right now.

For your first visit to our dental practice, we recommend a consultation appointment without dental treatment. Our empathetic team will explain the various options of modern dentistry and how you can experience a relaxed treatment despite dental anxiety. A detailed and understandable consultation is very important to us. We take time for you and do not leave you alone with your fear.

If you are ready, an examination can already take place at the first appointment. During this examination, the doctor will get an overview of whether only one tooth is affected or whether larger areas of the dentition need to be treated.

The actual dental treatment takes place at a follow-up appointment. During the examination and treatment, we always listen to your concerns. By using the latest technology, we can make dental treatment as stress- and pain-free as possible.

If the unfamiliar surroundings and possible pain during treatment cause you the most discomfort, we will also give you a sedative if you wish. This reduces anxiety and feelings of stress. There are many different methods for pain-free treatment:

  • If your biggest fear is the pain when the syringe is inserted, we have an ideal solution for you: before the local anaesthetic, we treat your gums with a pain-relieving spray. This is applied to the affected area and provides a local anaesthetic so that you do not feel anything from the injection.
  • In the case of patients with a strong fear of the dentist, we have had good experiences with sedation (“twilight sleep” / “Dämmerschlaf”). This is a mixture of local anaesthetic and sedative. In this sleep-like state you do not feel any pain. This method is particularly gentle and you are fit again quickly after the dental treatment.
  • For people with pronounced dental phobia, there is the option of having the treatment performed under general anaesthesia. A general anaesthetic is particularly helpful for larger procedures, as the patient is not aware of the treatment. You will be looked after by our anaesthesia team.

We will be happy to advise you on the different types of anaesthesia and together we will find the best solution for you.

We look forward to treating you as a patient with dental anxiety in Berlin and to giving you healthy, beautiful teeth and a brilliant smile again. Contact us for an appointment at our practice.

Do you have further questions about treatments for anxiety patients in Berlin?

Do you have further questions about treatments for anxiety patients in Berlin?
We will be happy to personally consult with you and answer any questions you might have about treatments for dental anxiety patients in Berlin.

Call us (030 4036 76 00) or write to us ( and make an appointment today for anxiety patients at Praxis Mitte.